RF Microneedling - Milani MedSpa


Laser Treatments

RF Microneedling

Microneedling is a safe, chemical-free treatment to stimulate collagen growth. When combined with radio frequency, it becomes the newest revolution in contouring and tightening for the face, neck, hands and body, producing immediate results and with no downtime.


Q: Does it hurt?
A: The personalized compounded numbing cream, the most effective numbing cream available, is applied 30 to 40 minutes prior to the treatment to ensure a comfortable patients say they find the treatment to be in a range of comfortable to virtually pain free. The Vivace was designed with patient comfort in mind.

Q: When can I wear make up?
A: Most patients can wear makeup after 3 to 4 hours.

Q: How long does the result last?
A: Everyone is different, but the collagen you make is your own and continues accelerated production over three months. Results improve over time.

Enhance The Experience

Our superior device design, paired with a personalized compounded numbing cream, the most effective numbing cream available today, formulated by the innovators at ABM, provides a positive, virtually pain-free patient experience. Our research has proven that one of the greatest barriers for patients to embark on new treatments is fear of pain. Patient testimonials share surprise and excitement over the results with minimal discomfort and virtually no pain documented. The comfort of The Vivace Experience is second to none, and

no other company on the market is similarly committed to creating a positive, comfortable patient experience.

The device precisely provides clean and open microchannels to receive The Vivace Experience: specialized treatment serums—the best the industry can offer—a revolutionary peptide mask and a recovery system with growth factors and peptides for accelerated recovery and the suppression of inflammation, making The Vivace Experience unbeatable.

The Vivace Experience has no downtime. Our patients report they have gone
out with friends an hour after the treatment with no makeup, where other devices suggest 48 to 72 hours or longer for initial recovery.

The Vivace Experience is a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just delivering a treatment with an outstanding device. It offers diversity in how the device can be incorporated into a practitioner’s repertoire of aesthetic offerings. At Aesthetics Biomedical, we developed various opportunities to maximize the patient experience and outcomes, as well as the value proposition.

Advantages of RF Microneedling over other skin resurfacing treatments

The main advantages of RF microneedling is that it can offer similar results to ablative laser procedures, but with significantly less discomfort, downtime and risk for hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin types.

RF microneedling stimulates new collagen and elastin in the deep layers of the skin, while bypassing the epidermis, the most superficial layer, which is most prone to side effects and prolonged downtime.

Before RF Microneedling, when people wanted significant results, they needed to undergo aggressive skin resurfacing lasers or deep chemical peels. But lengthy recovery times made it difficult to fit these treatments in to their busy lifestyle. These treatments were also not safe for people with darker skin due to significant risk for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Unlike laser skin resurfacing or deep chemical peels, fractional RF can deliver the energy where it’s needed most, in the lower dermis, while minimizing the damage to the skin’s surface. This means minimal visible downtime, without sacrificing results.

Since RF Microneedling minimizes damage to the skin surface, Secret RF is a better alternative to skin resurfacing lasers for improving the skin texture and skin tightening for dark skin or skin that is prone to scarring or hyperpigmentation.