Chin Filler

Chin Filler in Vienna
Non-surgical augmentation is increasing in popularity, and chin augmentation is no exception.
Dermal fillers have become more versatile as the years progress, now allowing for treatment of the chin. Chin filler is an injectable treatment used to give your chin more definition, balance your features, and improve your profile.
Why Choose Chin Filler for an Improved Profile?
Chin filler has many uses for chin augmentation. It offers enhancement to an often overlooked area that could be causing an imbalance in your features.
Chin fillers can be used to add or restore volume to a weak chin, fill in a cleft, reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles such as a cobblestone chin, and generally improve the definition and profile of your facial features – and all in less than an hour with no downtime required.
Plus, it’s safe, effective, and affordable! Why wouldn’t you choose it?
What Do Chin Filler Injections Feel Like?
While everyone’s pain tolerance varies, chin filler treatments are generally well tolerated and not very painful. The treatment is quick, plus a topical anesthetic is applied to your skin prior to the injection site, minimizing discomfort significantly.
When Will I See Chin Filler Results?
The beauty of dermal fillers is that they produce immediate results to the area you’re enhancing. It is recommended that you wait two weeks before you judge your results, allowing time for the filler to settle and any swelling or bruising to go down.
Am I a Good Candidate for Chin Filler?
Chin filler is recommended for healthy adults with realistic expectations and goals for treatment. To find out if you qualify, you should book an appointment with a skilled cosmetic injector.
Where Is the Best Place to Get Chin Filler in Vienna?
Milani MedSpa, where we offer chin filler treatments and other cosmetic treatments to help you enhance and balance your facial features.
Call our medspa at 703-517-6600 to book your consultation today, and put your chin up proudly after filler!